Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with textile design

Threads of Resistance
Violeta Parra, Fresia y Caupolicán (Fresia and Caupolicán) (detail), 1964–65, dyed jute fabric with embroidery, 142 × 196 × 4.5 cm. Colección Violeta Parra, Pontificia, Universidad Católica de Chile. © Fundación Violeta Parra, courtesy of Colección Violeta Parra, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
How Textiles Talk and What They Have to Say. A Curatorial Introduction to the Exhibition Let Textiles Talk by Amanda Pinatih.
An interview with Ali Selim
Visitors of the Wissa Wassef Centre
Diving into the Stadsarchiefs Amsterdam
Checking the tapestries in the depot