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Figure 5. Contact sheet with views of the fair “Europe Against the Current” at Beurs van Berlage and the public on the Beursplein, 1989. Photo: Pieter Boersma.
by Elize Mazadiego and Daniel Ricardo Quiles
Figure 11 - Museum guards’ winning shooting team, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1930. Museum reference #: MM2930. Photographer: not recorded
by Vid Ingelevics
Figure 2. The Outsiders Union and the Travelling Farm Museum of Forgotten Skills. Photo by Merel Zwarts.
by Colin Sterling and Asia Komarova
Figure 2. Ferdinand Ahm Krag, Hall of Psychopomps, 2022. Installation view, Museum for fremtiden, Kunsthal Aarhus & Sort/Hvid (2022). Photo by Emilia Therese.
by Anders Thrue Djurslev
Figure 3. Installation view of Who I Am, Who We Are at the Nairobi National Museum. Photograph courtesy of Xavier Verhoest, 2015.
by Kristina Dziedzic Wright
AnnaMaria Pinaka, “untitled” (part of series Thirsty Pig), 2022. Ink and watercolors. Photo by AnnaMaria Pinaka.
roundtable with Meredith North, Kitty Zijlmans, Anna Maria Pinaka and Charl Landvreugd
Stedelijk Studies Issue #12 Roundtable - Soeki Irodikromo 01
with Charl Landvreugd, Yvette Mutumba, Quinsy Gario and Meredith North
Museum for the Displaced Interview Transcript
conversation between Yvette Mutumba, Ana Sophie Salazar, Mohammad Golabi, and Leong Min Yu Samantha
Fig. 7. Part of the Casa do Povo’s Yiddish book collection. Installation Voz ativa: Biblioteca Social by Mariana Lanari, 2018.
by micro-histórias (Pedro Beresin, Mariana Lanari, Marília Loureiro, Alice Noujaim, Pedro Zylbersztajn)
Fig. 1. Hélio Oiticica and the members of Estação Primeira de Mangueira at the opening of the Opinião 65 exhibition at MAM Rio in 1965. Photo: Desdémone Bardin
by Filipe Lippe
Fig. 2 Alexander Ugay, part of the series Memory Objects, 2012–2013. Photographs from family archives of the artist, C-print on Dibond, 25 x 25 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
a conversation with Alexander Ugay by Elsbeth Dekker & Robbie Schweiger
Fig. 1 Rosácea proposition originally realized by Lygia Clark in 1974/75 as part of her Relaxation series interpreted by Gina Ferreira and carried out in collaboration by Ana Vitória Freire with the participation of Márcia Proença, Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira, Rio de Janeiro, October 5th, 2017. Photo: Denise Adams.
by Jessica Gogan