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Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. The publisher apologizes for any errors or omissions and would be grateful if notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future updates.

Copyright on works of visual artists affiliated to a CISAC organisation has been arranged with Pictoright in Amsterdam. © c/o Pictoright Amsterdam 2020.

Issue #11: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam at 125 Years:

Twenty-First-Century Challenges for the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and Design

Issue #10: Imagining the Future of Digital Archives and Collections

For issue 10 of Stedelijk Studies a video and various video stills by Rosa Menkman were created.

Issue #9: Modernism in Migration

  • Pınar Öğrenci, A Gentle Breeze Passed Over Us (still), 2017. Courtesy of the artist.
    Front Cover, Homepage
  • Modernism in Migration: Relocating Artists, Objects, and Ideas, 1910–1970
    The Motorshiff St. Louis in 1939. Photographer unknown.

Issue #8: Towards a Museum of Mutuality

  • Luca Penning, from the series On cubes and meandering through fractured space, 2018–19.
    Front Cover, Homepage
  • Luca Penning, from the series On cubes and meandering through fractured space, 2018–19.
    Luca Penning, from the series On cubes and meandering through fractured space, 2018–19.

Issue #7: Lose Yourself!

  • Issue #07 – Lose Yourself!
    Dora Lionstone, Exit No. 1, 2018.
    Front Cover, Homepage
  • Dora Lionstone, Exit No. 2, 2018.

Issue #6: The Borders of Europe

  • Thomas Bellinck, Simple as ABC #2: Keep Calm & Validate, 2017, photo: Laura Van Severen.
    Front Cover, Homepage
  • The Borders of Europe
    Thomas Bellinck, Domo de Eŭropa Historio en Ekzilo (House of European History in Exile), 2013, photo: Danny Willems.

Issue #5: Curating the Collection

  • Sarah Westphal, Timpano, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne (Germany), 2013–14.
    Front Cover, Homepage
  • Stedelijk Studies issue #5: Curating the Collection
    Sarah Westphal, Palimpsest, Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent (Belgium), 2011.
  • Stedelijk Studies Issue #5: Curating the Collection
    Sarah Westphal, Palimpsest, Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent (Belgium), 2011.

Issue #4: Between the Discursive and the Immersive

Issue #3: The Place of Performance

Issue #2: Exhibition History

Issue #1: Collecting Geographies