Uncovering the Mysteries of the Photography Collection: Robert Lebeck
Research Logsby Janne van den Bergh in collaboration with Ana Carreres Llopis
The Don Quixote Sculpture Hall
Research Logsby Tijmen Ter Keurs
A Close Friendship: Anneke van der Feer and Antonia van den Hoogen-Berlijn
Research Logsby Isabella Legebeke
Threads of Resistance: Angela Su’s Hair Embroidery
Research Logsby Chi-Chia Pao
Speaking Back to an Incomplete Archive
Research Logsby Paula Carcamo
Glitching the Museum
Research Logsby Alicia Derksen
Rethinking collections: from a vitrine in use to a museum object
Research Logsby Rosemarie Kramer
In the studio with Ana Lupas
Research Logsby Leontine Coelewij
To become an Abstraction
Mortality as Matter, Research Logsby Katerina Sidorova
Tell Me a Story
Research Logsby Michelle Adler
Michel de Klerk and Liesbeth van der Pol
Research Logsby Ingeborg de Roode
A nineteenth-century metal rocking chair
MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and others, Research Logsby Ingeborg de Roode and Stedelijk conservators
Ava and Gabriel: An Exegesis
Exhibition Felix de Rooy Apocalypse, Research Logsby Edward Akintola Hubbard
Война [War]: futurist publishing as a reflection on wartime reality
Mortality as Matter, Rakurs, Research Logsby Katerina Sidorova
Fallen Leaves
Mortality as Matter, Rakurs, Research Logsas a literary style and research methodology in the work of Vasily Rozanov by Katerina Sidorova
Keith Haring: Notes on Paper
Research Logsby India Jeffes
Expressive Decoration and Rational Rivets: An Ink Set by Eduard Cuypers
MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and others, Research Logsby Kylièn Bergh and Ingeborg de Roode
Geometry Turning Into “Modernity”?
MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and others, Research Logsby Ginger van den Akker
Video Club: Social Dance
Research Logs, Video Clubby Loulou Oudshoorn
Lines of Sight #1: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Lines of Sight, Rakurs, Research Logsby Robbie Schweiger
Yto Barrada: The Mothership in Tangier
Research Logsby Leontine Coelewij
Video Club: Glued to the Tube: Picturing Violence in Mass Media
Research Logs, Video Clubby Janneke Schrage
How to Inspire Sustainable Practices
It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard by Ab Stevels, Research Logsby Ab Stevels
A Step-by-Step Guide to Applied Environmental Design
It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard by Ab Stevels, Research Logsby Ab Stevels
Designing for the Circular Economy
It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard by Ab Stevels, Research Logsby Ab Stevels
Sustainable or greenwashing?
It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard by Ab Stevels, Research Logsby Ab Stevels
Exploring Our Backyard
It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard - Part 1, Research LogsBy Veronica León
Race, Colonialism, and the Climate Crisis
Conversations, It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard - Part 1, Research LogsWhat Artists and Designers Can Do. Ekow Eshun interviewed by Amanda Pinatih
Looking at Art through Cultural Analysis: Mieke Bal
Conversations, Here for Now, Then and There, Research Logsby Britte Sloothaak