Author Guidelines
Responding to an open call? Wonderful. Here are the details.
Responding to an open call? Wonderful. Here are the details.
Calls for Papers are issued by Stedelijk Studies journal 1-2 times a year and describe the specific theme of the upcoming issue. We look forward to reading your ideas!
Prior to developing a complete manuscript for the open call authors are asked to submit an abstract (350 words max.) with short bio (75 words max.) and 3 key bibliographic sources to the editors who will make a preliminary decision regarding the topic’s relevance to the journal’s aims and scope and will provide suggestions for developing the manuscript.
Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published internationally and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts and manuscript proposals and other editorial correspondence should be sent to:
Postal address:
Postbus 75082
1070 AB Amsterdam
Stedelijk Studies Journal is a double blind peer-reviewed publication. Each contribution is reviewed by two separate reviewers within a maximum of 9 months after reception of the first draft. Texts are judged on the basis of relevance to the aims and scope of the journal, originality, rigor of thought and the use of straightforward and precise prose. Texts should be condensed as much as possible and written to be accessible to the interested lay reader.
Please take into account that most manuscripts require (some) revision by the author before final acceptance. The editorial staff strives to work collaboratively with the author to improve the final product.
Manuscripts must be under the 4.500 word count limit (excluding references and figure captions) before being considered for review. Manuscripts for initial review may be submitted with embedded low-resolution images, which facilitate the review process. When submitting a manuscript authors should include a statement indicating that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
Final manuscripts accepted for publication must be submitted as unformatted Word-processed text without embedded illustrations or auto-formatted references and each illustration should be submitted as a separate high-resolution file (see the following section on submission requirements). After a manuscript is accepted, it is edited at the Stedelijk Museum and returned to the author for approval prior to publication.
If you would like a particular member of the Editorial Board to look at your manuscript please note this when you submit your manuscript, but do not send to them directly.
Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published internationally and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere (this does not include commissioned translations). The author stays the owner of the copyright on his/her own work.
Submitting visual materials
Using links
As author you are responsible for obtaining written permission and meeting any related costs for the use of all materials under copyright (such as illustrations and texts) and for the correct acknowledgements for use.
Manuscripts and manuscript proposals and other editorial correspondence should be sent to Stedelijk Studies by email: [email protected].
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