All publications from the category Essays

Drawing Faces (in Terror Times): An Introduction
The Infinity Universe. Oil on canvas.

Through the Roar of Cosmic Cataclysms

by Tatiana Kochubinska and Tetiana Zhmurko
No White in Sight

No White in Sight

by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
Bakhyt Bubikanova

Bakhyt Bubikanova

by Yuliya Sorokina
Fig. 5. Alexis Blake, 'rock to jolt [ ] stagger to ash', 2021. Performance, exhibition space with architectural interventions, dim lighting, fragrance, tabloid publication. Prix de Rome 2021. Photo: Daniel Nicolas.

From Image to Smell

The Role of the Olfactory Sense in Contemporary Art Experience - by Jonas van Kappel
Announcement without Resolution: On Anne Imhof's YOUTH
Fig. 3: Graphic interpretation by Print the Future of Moringa oleifera, a plant used for its immune qualities and its ability to protect against evil when worn as an amulet. Original image courtesy of the author. Photo: Dito Yuwono.
Yvette Mutumba during the "10 Years Bathtub: Open for the Open" lecture series. 24 September 2022. Photo: Ernst van Deursen.

In Museums We Trust

by Yvette Mutumba
Architecture as Theater
Persuasions in Liminal Spaces
Music, Painting, Intuition and Calculation: Sedje Hémon and the Stedelijk Museum
ABDIAS DO NASCIMENTO Pink Mulatto Woman: A Study for Oshun. Acrylic on canvas, 102 x 153 cm. Middletown, 1970 © IPEAFRO
Looking Twice: The Presence of Absence in Die Brücke Art Histories

Looking Twice: The Presence of Absence in Die Brücke Art Histories

A Critical Reflection on the exhibition "Kirchner and Nolde: Expressionism. Colonialism." by Lisa Hilli
How Textiles Talk and What They Have to Say. A Curatorial Introduction to the Exhibition Let Textiles Talk by Amanda Pinatih.
Fig. 2. Bruce Nauman - Seven Figures

Straight Innocence

Essay by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei