Anti-Semitism in the 19th and early 20th centuries
Essays, MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and othersby Maurice Rummens
A nineteenth-century metal rocking chair
MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and others, Research Logsby Ingeborg de Roode and Stedelijk conservators
Expressive Decoration and Rational Rivets: An Ink Set by Eduard Cuypers
MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and others, Research Logsby Kylièn Bergh and Ingeborg de Roode
Geometry Turning Into “Modernity”?
MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and others, Research Logsby Ginger van den Akker
Decolonizing Modernism(s)
Conversations, MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and othersRolando Vázquez Melken and the Stedelijk curators
From Modern to Modernism
Essays, MODERN — Van Gogh, Rietveld, Léger and othersIntroduction by Maurice Rummens and Ingeborg de Roode