Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with society

Lines of Sight #1: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Fig. 3: Graphic interpretation by Print the Future of Moringa oleifera, a plant used for its immune qualities and its ability to protect against evil when worn as an amulet. Original image courtesy of the author. Photo: Dito Yuwono.
Architecture as Theater

Journal Articles tagged with society

Fig. 1. 'The Internet - hypercube draft proposal', Tate Acquisition file, Richard Hamilton (T07124 Diab DS-101 Computer, 1985–9) Tate Public Records, PC10.1, Tate Archive, Tate Britain.Fig. 1. 'The Internet - hypercube draft proposal', Tate Acquisition file, Richard Hamilton (T07124 Diab DS-101 Computer, 1985–9) Tate Public Records, PC10.1, Tate Archive, Tate Britain.
Figure 4. Douglas Davis, Two Cities, a Text, Flesh, and the Devil (1977), The Floating Museum. Courtesy of Lynn Hershman Leeson.