Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with photography
Visiting Fellow: Tina Campt
Conversationsby Tina Campt and Rolando Vázquez Melken
Fellowship Wanini Kimemiahby Sandra Nekh
Journal Articles tagged with photography
“A loving interest”: U-ABC: Paintings, sculptures, photos from Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile
Issue #14: Amsterdam: Reconsidering the Transnationalby Madelon van Schie
After(-)Images: Problematizing Collections of Early Documentary Photography in the Art Museum
Issue #11 – The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam at 125 yearsby Fabienne Chiang
Modern Group Portraits in New York Exile: Community and Belonging in the Work of Arthur Kaufmann and Hermann Landshoff
Issue #09 - Modernism in MigrationBy Burcu Dogramaci
“My old Mother” – Therese Graf in New York: Exile, the Transatlantic Itinerary of a Photographic Portrait, and Strong History “from below”
Issue #09 - Modernism in MigrationBy Eva-Maria Troelenberg
A New Woman’s Exile in Buenos Aires: Grete Stern’s Photomontages between Feminism and Popular Culture
Issue #09 - Modernism in MigrationBy Christina Wieder
Photography and Museums of Mutuality: A Metaphor
Issue #08 - Towards a Museum of MutualityBy Elisavet Kalpaxi
Welkom Today: On Collaborative Practice in Contemporary Photography
Issue #08 - Towards a Museum of MutualityBy Anne Ruygt
New Exposure: The Arab Image Foundation and the Curatorial
Issue #05 - Curating the CollectionBy Daniel Berndt
Redistributing Knowledge and Practice in the Art Museum
Issue #04 - Between the Discursive and the ImmersiveBy Victoria Walsh
Icons of the Performance Still
Issue #03 - The Place of PerformanceBy Sarah Happersberger
‘Individual Mythologist’: Vulnerability, Generosity, and Relationality in Ulay’s Self-Imaging
Issue #03 - The Place of PerformanceBy Amelia Jones
Delegating (community) action: Stuart Brisley’s Peterlee Project
Issue #03 - The Place of PerformanceBy Neylan Bağcıoğlu
Documenting the Marvelous: The Risks and Rewards of Relying on Installation Photographs in the Writing of Exhibition History
Issue #02 - Exhibition HistoriesBy Madeleine Kennedy