Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with identity
Looking Twice: The Presence of Absence in Die Brücke Art Histories
Essays, Kirchner and Nolde: Expressionism. Colonialism.A Critical Reflection on the exhibition "Kirchner and Nolde: Expressionism. Colonialism." by Lisa Hilli
How Textiles Talk and What They Have to Say
Essays, Let Textiles TalkEssay by Amanda Pinatih
Straight Innocence
EssaysEssay by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
The Power of the Everyday: Reflections on The Surinamese School exhibition
Surinamese School, EssaysEssay by Chandra Frank
Surinamese School: Reflections on History, Art, Decolonization and Cultural Identity
Essays, Surinamese SchoolEssay by Azu Nwagbogu
Journal Articles tagged with identity
Claudio Goulart and His Artistic Critique of the Ideology of Multiculturalism
Issue #14: Amsterdam: Reconsidering the Transnationalby Pablo Santa Olalla
Space, Movement, and Body: Marlow Moss
Issue #11 – The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam at 125 yearsby Gülce Özkara
Exile and Modernism: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections on the Exile of Artists in the 1930s and ’40s
Issue #09 - Modernism in MigrationBy Sabine Eckmann
Modern Group Portraits in New York Exile: Community and Belonging in the Work of Arthur Kaufmann and Hermann Landshoff
Issue #09 - Modernism in MigrationBy Burcu Dogramaci
“My old Mother” – Therese Graf in New York: Exile, the Transatlantic Itinerary of a Photographic Portrait, and Strong History “from below”
Issue #09 - Modernism in MigrationBy Eva-Maria Troelenberg
Representing Migration in Inclusive Museums: The Humanity House
Issue #06 - The Borders of EuropeBy Inge Zlatkou
Simple as ABC #2: Keep Calm & Validate
Issue #06 - The Borders of EuropeBy Thomas Bellinck
“Frame Me”: Speaking Out of Turn and Lorraine O’Grady’s Alien Avant-Garde
Issue #03 - The Place of PerformanceBy Stephanie Sparling Williams