Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with poland
Artist Talk: Wilhelm Sasnal
Conversationsa conversation with Wilhelm Sasnal and Adam Szymczyk
Journal Articles tagged with poland
Against the Current: Negotiating European Identities in a Still Divided World
Issue #14: Amsterdam: Reconsidering the Transnationalby Juliane Debeusscher
Revisiting Wim Beeren’s European Utopia: Wanderlieder Thirty Years Later
Issue #11 – The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam at 125 yearsby Joanna Mardal
Putting out the chairs
Issue #03 - The Place of PerformanceBy Joe Kelleher
Between the Global, National, and Peripheral: The Case of Art Museums in Poland
Issue #01 - Collecting GeographiesBy Karolina Golinowska