Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with indonesia
On Re-enchantment and Cosmic Hopes
Essaysby Mira Asriningtyas
Journal Articles tagged with indonesia
Zaritsky/Rusli: A Multidirectional Approach to Curating International Modern Art
Issue #14: Amsterdam: Reconsidering the Transnationalby Kerstin Winking
“Een merkwaardig misverstand”: Postcolonial reflections on Hoepla
Issue #14: Amsterdam: Reconsidering the Transnationalby Janna Schoenberger
Vestiges of 125,660 Specimens of Natural History
Issue #04 - Between the Discursive and the ImmersiveBy Anna-Sophie Springer and Etienne Turpin
Pathways in Performance (in and around Cambodia)?
Issue #03 - The Place of PerformanceBy Roger Nelson