Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with education practices
Ava and Gabriel: An Exegesis
Exhibition Felix de Rooy Apocalypse, Research Logsby Edward Akintola Hubbard
Staff Shares #4
Conversations, Staff SharesEmma Harjadi Herman interviewed by Valeria Mari
Exploring Our Backyard
It’s our F-ing Backyard, It’s our F-ing Backyard - Part 1, Research LogsBy Veronica León
The Power of the Everyday: Reflections on The Surinamese School exhibition
Surinamese School, EssaysEssay by Chandra Frank
Journal Articles tagged with education practices
Narrative Theories and Learning in Contemporary Art Museums: A Theoretical Exploration
Issue #04 - Between the Discursive and the ImmersiveBy Emilie Sitzia
Curating Education, Staging the CV: Learning at Former West
Issue #04 - Between the Discursive and the ImmersiveBy Barbara Mahlknecht