Research Logs, Essays, Conversations tagged with curatorial practices

Threads of Resistance
Violeta Parra, Fresia y Caupolicán (Fresia and Caupolicán) (detail), 1964–65, dyed jute fabric with embroidery, 142 × 196 × 4.5 cm. Colección Violeta Parra, Pontificia, Universidad Católica de Chile. © Fundación Violeta Parra, courtesy of Colección Violeta Parra, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Installation view Post/No/Bills #5 — Hezin O — BHLNTTTX, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2024. Photo: Peter Tijhuis
In the studio with Ana Lupas
Tell Me a Story
No White in Sight

No White in Sight

by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
Fig. 5. Alexis Blake, 'rock to jolt [ ] stagger to ash', 2021. Performance, exhibition space with architectural interventions, dim lighting, fragrance, tabloid publication. Prix de Rome 2021. Photo: Daniel Nicolas.

From Image to Smell

The Role of the Olfactory Sense in Contemporary Art Experience - by Jonas van Kappel
Fig. 3: Graphic interpretation by Print the Future of Moringa oleifera, a plant used for its immune qualities and its ability to protect against evil when worn as an amulet. Original image courtesy of the author. Photo: Dito Yuwono.
Yvette Mutumba during the "10 Years Bathtub: Open for the Open" lecture series. 24 September 2022. Photo: Ernst van Deursen.

In Museums We Trust

by Yvette Mutumba
On Things and Beings: The Affordances of Objects and Ways of Knowing
Intern Valeria Mari (left) and Press Officer Marie-José Raven (right) in conversation at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 2022. Photo: Carlos Zepeda.

Staff Shares #3

Marie-José Raven interviewed by Valeria Mari
Yto Barrada: The Mothership in Tangier
Staff Shares #2 - Leontine Coelewij interviewed by Valeria Mari

Staff Shares #2

Leontine Coelewij interviewed by Valeria Mari
Music, Painting, Intuition and Calculation: Sedje Hémon and the Stedelijk Museum
Ekow Eshun interviewed by Amanda Pinatih
Looking Twice: The Presence of Absence in Die Brücke Art Histories

Looking Twice: The Presence of Absence in Die Brücke Art Histories

A Critical Reflection on the exhibition "Kirchner and Nolde: Expressionism. Colonialism." by Lisa Hilli
How Textiles Talk and What They Have to Say. A Curatorial Introduction to the Exhibition Let Textiles Talk by Amanda Pinatih.
Fig. 2. Bruce Nauman - Seven Figures

Straight Innocence

Essay by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei

Journal Articles tagged with curatorial practices

Figure 4. Hipólito Ocalia, Seroe grandi, Curçao, 1967, oil on plywood, 62 × 122.5 cm. Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Figure 3. Roberto Matta, Vietnam, 1965, oil on canvas, 205 × 298. Gift from Foundation Vincent Van Gogh, 1969. Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
After(-)Images: Problematizing Collections of Early Documentary Photography in the Art Museum
From Fiction to Knowledge Unveiling histories in contemporary cultural institutions

From Fiction to Knowledge

by Deiara Kouto and Anne Bielig